Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dallas College Fashion Collection

 Wow! It's been quite a while since my last post. I enrolled in Dallas College in 2017 to start fashion school. I learned so much, and accomplished a great deal! I successfully completed 2 AAS degrees in Fashion - Technical Pattern Design (May 2020) and Apparel Design (Dec 2021). 

As the culminating project for the Apparel Design degree, we had to design and produce a collection. I'm sharing the original mood board (which changed a little during production) and the final collection. 

Here is the original mood board for the collection:

Here is the final collection (with an eponymous brand)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Gift for my speech therapist!

I made a gift for my speech therapist for our last session.  I sewing them during our 45-minute session. However, I had to hem them and add the back pocket at home.  I was very pleased with the outcome.  I used trusty Simplicity 2290, and added the back pocket.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Link: Welt Pocket Tutorial

I came across an outstanding blog tutorial on welt pockets by Thread Theory.  I wanted to share a link so that others could use it.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sewing Class: Messenger Bag - Simplicity 8028, View D

I took my first sewing class of 2016!  Through this project, I accomplished one of my 2016 sewing goals - inserting a zipper.  We were working on a Simplicity 8028, View D, Messenger Bag.  It was a 3.5 hour class.  This was a neat little project.  It was a very good thing that I took an in-person class at JoAnn's. I don't think I would have gotten the instructions that were included with the pattern.  I really liked the instructor, Terri Tipps.  I have taken 2 classes with her in the past, and she is a true gem.

However, it was the first time that I have sewn all year, so I was a little rusty.  First of all, I had a hard time finding the pattern. I checked earlier in the week, but they were all out at Hancock's.  Due to time constraints, I only about 2 hours before class to buy my supplies.  As luck would have it, my local JoAnn's where the class was being held was also out of the pattern.  So, I had to go to Hobby Lobby.  Luckily, they had the pattern, and I bought some fashion (duck) fabric for the outside of the bag.  I had to purchase the interfacing, strap, and hardware for the bag.  I chose not to get interlining because the outer material was very heavy.  I went into class flustered, stressed, and unprepared.  At JoAnn's, the cutting table and checkout lines were horrible, so I spent 20 minutes of class time making purchases.  However, Terri got of all us started. I didn't have time to read the instructions, so I was really relying on Terri (who was, of course, fantastic).  The supply sheet that JoAnn's gave us was inaccurate. So, when I was about to cut my interfacing, I didn't have enough.  So I spent another 15-20 minutes at the cutting table line and checkout line during class time.

Suffice it to say, I didn't completely finish my project during class time.  However, but I was about 85% done when the class time ended.  I was able to make my pockets, make my tabs, insert the D-rings into the tabs, insert my zipper, and attach the lining to the bag.

One more mishap happened during class: my needle broke as I was attaching my lining to the bag as I was going over the D-ring.  The needle caught me in the thumb.  I didn't want to bleed on my new bag, so I was essentially finished by that point.  Terri pinned my material and strap for me to finish up at home.

Here are some images of my finished project. I made my strap a little bit longer than recommended.

Here is Terri's sample of the messenger bag. It looks very professional!

This was sort of an expensive project, but I bought some extra interfacing for my home studio.  Here is the price breakdown:

Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016 Sewing Goals

I'm all about setting goals for a new year.  I just finished my 2016 fitness goals board, and, now, sewing!

FitGirl's 2016 Sewing Goals
Last year, I hardly made anything for myself.  I made alot of presents for others.  Now that my weight is coming down, I want to make a spring/summer wardrobe for myself.
  1. Install a zipper
  2. Attend a Dressmaking Intensive at Workroom Social in NYC
  3. Make a pair of Denim Jeans
  4. Make a ladies blazer
  5. Make a men's blazer
  6. Make a pair of golf shorts
  7. Make a circle skirt
  8. Design and teach a sewing class at Pate for the patients in recovery

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Sewing Year In Review

2015 was an incredible year!!  Here is what I accomplished, sewing-wise:
Accomplishments Completed Patterns
I made 5 adult pairs and 1 child's pairs of Lazy Pants.  I took a class a JoAnn's for Lazy Pants.  I mixed different patterns, and drafted my own pattern using Tilly's book - Love at First Stitch.
Learned how to add side-seam pockets (referenced Tilly's book)
Made a dog coat for a friend. This was very complicated for me!
  • Simplicity It's So Easy A1227
Learned how to insert a sleeve (via the dog coat)
Made a child's jumper for my niece (complete with Frozen character print corduroy and a cotton border).  I learned to how use the automatic button maker on my sewing machine - love it!!
Made 3 skirts as presents
Made 1 child's skirt as present for my niece
Made 1 half apron as a present for a friend
Note: my phone broke, so no photos OR videos to share with you :-(

Sunday, September 13, 2015

It's So Easy - Sleepwear

I have archived my pajama bottoms project for myself.  I abandoned this project lieu of taking the Lazy Pants class at JoAnn's.

Simplicity It's So Easy: 2116
It's So Easy Men's/Misses' Sleepwear
Purpose: I thought I would make pajama bottoms for me and Jay.
Jan 18, 2015 - I cut the pattern pieces and washed the fabric.
Jan 31, 2015 - I placed the pattern pieces on the fabric.  To my dismay, I didn't enough fabric. Rats!
Feb 1, 2015 - I made a trip to JoAnn's. Lucky for me, snuggle flannel was on sale for $2.79/yd!!  I bought enough to finish my current project and fabric to make 2 more adult pajama pants!  I also bought some fabric to make a skirt.
Feb 3, 2015 - I pinned the pattern pieces to my fabric, and cut the fabric.  I screwed up cutting the crotch.  I will pick up this project in a few days, because I want to make a skirt for my niece for Valentine's Day.